Perpetual Improvement in the New Year

new years resolutions financial checkpoints habits

The Experiment I Call Start100K

So there I was, New Year’s Day 2021, sitting on my computer looking at domain names for a new project idea that I had.  I had a burning desire to start helping people with their money, I had zeroed in on helping with the first $100,000 of net worth.  I’d eventually want a website if it ever became something, so I started with finding a domain name for that.

I looked at name, after name, after name, and then a little voice in my head said, “Brandon, just pick one and move on.”  Start100K happened to be the domain name I had pulled up at the time, so I bought it.  This was the start of Start100K.

Since then, I’ve slowly progressed and I’ve really enjoyed the project as a whole.  I started a YouTube channel, created a Facebook page, a Facebook group, Instagram, and eventually the podcast which is my absolute favorite!  This has been a slow progression over the past year, but small, continual improvements over time can add up to big things.  Who knows where Start100K will be in a year from now, but if I have anything to do about it, it will be better than the year before.

Perpetual Improvement

My personal mission statement is Perpetual Improvement: I aim to make every person, project, and organization I’m a part of better than when I got involved – even if it is only a slight improvement.  I believe that even the slightest of improvements can make a huge difference.  Think about it.  We look at all the problems in the world, greenhouse gases, trash in the oceans, pop music, but we don’t think about the fact that these kinds of problems occurred incrementally.

We search for big solutions, but if everyone pitched in a tiny bit, that WOULD BE a big solution.  Our financial problems can be the same way.  Sometimes we find ourselves with seemingly huge issues, but they often didn’t get that way over night – the creep in over time.  The solution can be a small action taken forever in stead of a big action taken once.

Choosing Smaller Goals

This is how I like to think about goals as well.  I don’t make any changes in my life that I’m not willing to keep forever.  When I decided to lose weight, I made small changes that I knew I could keep forever.  I started with one less scoop of sugar in my coffee each day, one less soda, etc.  I haven’t added sugar to my coffee or had a soda in years.  These small changes were easy to make.  I guess what I’m saying is, celebrate the small wins along with the big ones.  Don’t discount how valuable small changes can make over time.  The largest rivers started as a few raindrops that decided to travel together.

Start100K Podcast

If you hadn’t noticed, I have podcast intro and outro music now!  A huge thanks to my good friend Zac!  I’m really happy about how it turned out!  I guess this is a real podcast now!

This is another example of small, incremental improvement over time.  I want this project to be a testament to what’s possible if you just give inertia a kick in the teeth and get it to work FOR you – not against you.  Get the ball rolling in the right direction and keep it going!

New Years Resolutions

We’re now in the time of year where New Year’s resolutions are made.  Big lofty goals are hanging in the air, but most will not stick.  It’s not because the goals are wrong or too big.  It’s because we forget about the power of the process.  If you want to lose weight, start with 5 minutes a day of working out and never skip.  Make a new rule that you won’t park at the front of the parking lot.  Take the stairs exclusively.  If you want to save more money, find $1 you can save each day.  Better yet, find a way to make one extra dollar a day too.

Seems pretty achievable, right?  Well, that’s an extra $60 per month.  That’s what I started my Roth IRA with and it grew to over $20 thousand dollars before I transferred it into my current IRA without adding any more than $50 dollars per month to it.  That $50 per month is still growing today.

Make This Year Different

I want you all to make 2022 a year that you celebrate the little things.  Look for small ways to improve.  Look for something you know you can sustain forever.

By the way, if you want a great book on small, incremental improvement, read James Clear’s Atomic Habits.  I wish I’d read that book when I was 18.  The audio version is great too.

Action Items

  1. Find a small change that you can make to improve your financial life.
  2. Email me a small financial win.  I’m considering adding a “Weekly Win” segment to the podcast, so please let me know if that would be interesting to you.
  3. Share the podcast and subscribe so we can complete this journey together!

Check out our Facebook group and connect with others on their journey to financial security and independence!

To contact me, please use the email

Now go get started!

Before you go, please remember this information is for educational and informational purposes only.  Please seek tax, legal, or investment advice before making any decisions.